Do UFOs exist? Probably. Maybe. I don't know. But I wanted to create a title sequence for a show that explored the subject. I've always loved the redacted text look and was heavily inspired by another title sequence for the show Project Blue Book done by the amazing designer and animator Nol Honig.
I animated trim paths on top of images of textures to get the look of text being blacked out and redacted as if it was classified and shouldn't be seen. I added some light leaks with different blending modes applied to give the whole piece an uneasy feel. Next, I used the redacted animations on more text and revealed the title to convey the show to be about the possible unveiling of these secrets. Lastly, I created a short music track to convey the tension and darkness surrounding the subject.

The After Effects workspace showing the redacted text and main comp side by side.

Another shot of the After Effects workspace showing the redacted text and main comp side by side on the last shot.

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